Web Developer & Web Designer

I build apps written in Ruby and JavaScript AKA web developer @ LPB.DEV. I'm a punk designer in Figma. I was born in Venezuela, pursued a music career while attending law school. Left the country in 2017 due to the Venezuelan dictatorial and narco-communist government.

Purpose Matters More Than Money — My Entrepreneurial Awakening in Texas

Purpose Matters More Than Money — My Entrepreneurial Awakening in Texas

 •   •  3 min read

I wanted a business to create my utopia, my world — somewhere I could live up to my high ideals make money… But I got lost along the way.

Why Moving from Miami to San Antonio Felt Like Going from Hell to Heaven?

Why Moving from Miami to San Antonio Felt Like Going from Hell to Heaven?

 •   •  1 min read

Moving from Miami, FL, to San Antonio, TX, hasn’t been simple. Is it a blessing or a curse in disguise?